THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

#128 - Sisters Sage (Lynn-Marie Angus and Melissa-Rae Angus)

#128 - Sisters Sage (Lynn-Marie Angus and Melissa-Rae Angus)

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Lynn-Marie Angus and Melissa-Rae are the sister co-founders of Sisters Sage, an Indigenous brand that hand-crafts wellness and self-care products inspired by our culture and traditions. Born and raised in East Vancouver, their heritage is Gitxaala, Nisga’a, and Metis Nations. Follow them on Instagram!

Content Warning: With consent, this episode deals with very personal and family stores about residential schools, child abuse, genocide, and violence against Indigenous peoples.

Google Podcasts:

***This episode was recorded at Henry’s in Vancouver (555 W Broadway). Famous for being Canada’s greatest camera store, Henry’s now has a very comfortable community podcast space for the public, making it so easy to record your podcasts. They also offer audio gear, with knowledgeable staff who will ensure you get the possible set-up for your audio needs. Check them out!

#128 - Sisters Sage (Lynn-Marie Angus and Melissa-Rae Angus)
Pundits obsessed with cutting taxes aren't actually looking out for you, the good taxpayer

Pundits obsessed with cutting taxes aren't actually looking out for you, the good taxpayer

Annamie Paul is right about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but not for the reason she gives

Annamie Paul is right about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but not for the reason she gives