THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

Annamie Paul is right about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but not for the reason she gives

Annamie Paul is right about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but not for the reason she gives

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Annamie Paul blasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week on his feminist credentials. She’s right, but not exactly for the reasons she provided.

Annamie Paul is right about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but not for the reason she gives
#128 - Sisters Sage (Lynn-Marie Angus and Melissa-Rae Angus)

#128 - Sisters Sage (Lynn-Marie Angus and Melissa-Rae Angus)

#127 - Sam Cooper ("Wilful Blindness")

#127 - Sam Cooper ("Wilful Blindness")