THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

Can your boss fire you for your opinions? What about free speech? (Hasan Alam)

Can your boss fire you for your opinions? What about free speech? (Hasan Alam)

Can your employer restrict what views and opinions you express? What about free speech? This is VANCOLOUR host Mo Amir asks The President of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association Hasan Alam about the nature of Canada's freedom of expression and why it's a little more complicated in an employment setting. 
Recorded: March 3, 2025


Is pet care getting worse but costing more? (Rebeka Breder)

Is pet care getting worse but costing more? (Rebeka Breder)

Can Canada strip Elon Musk of his Canadian citizenship? (Meika Lalonde)

Can Canada strip Elon Musk of his Canadian citizenship? (Meika Lalonde)