THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

Ken Sim's homelessness plan "makes no sense"

Ken Sim's homelessness plan "makes no sense"

Does Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim's "new direction" on homelessness make sense? Apparently not, even according to one of his party's own city councillors.This is VANCOLOUR host Mo Amir takes a MOment to discuss.
Recorded: January 27, 2025

What did we learn from Florence Girard's homicide? (Tamara Taggart)

What did we learn from Florence Girard's homicide? (Tamara Taggart)

Are B.C.'s world-famous, mythical monsters friendly? (BC Bob/Bob Kronbauer)

Are B.C.'s world-famous, mythical monsters friendly? (BC Bob/Bob Kronbauer)