THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

Is "cancel culture"... cancelled? (Angelo Isidorou, Conservative Party of BC)

Is "cancel culture"... cancelled? (Angelo Isidorou, Conservative Party of BC)

Is cancel culture on the decline in British Columbia? The Conservative Party of BC revived its identity on the rejection of cancel culture, but internal rifts within the party reveal that this core value is more complicated than it seems. This is VANCOLOUR host Mo Amir talks to the party's Executive Director Angelo Isidorou about recent controversies and the party's stance on cancel culture within the province's shifting political landscape.   
Recorded: December 9, 2024


What does Trump's trolling of Canada mean? (J.J. McCullough)

What does Trump's trolling of Canada mean? (J.J. McCullough)

This is Sajjan trying... to raise food bank awareness

This is Sajjan trying... to raise food bank awareness