THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

#212 - Sarah Berman / Dino Archie / Kyla's Court with Kyla Lee

#212 - Sarah Berman / Dino Archie / Kyla's Court with Kyla Lee

How do we define a "scam"?
Is AirBNB a scam?
Is ICBC a scam?

Sarah Berman is an investigative journalist, the author of "Don't Call it a Cult" and the producer of the CBC podcast "Pressure Cooker".

Dino Archie is a standup comic based in Vancouver, by way of Fresno, California.

Kyla Lee is a high-profile criminal defense lawyer representing Acumen Law, who just wrote her first children's book "Sit Still Jackson".

YouTube (Sarah Berman):
YouTube (Dino Archie):
YouTube (Kyla Lee):

Benjamin Perrin: Drug decriminalization and Canada's (failing) criminal justice system

Benjamin Perrin: Drug decriminalization and Canada's (failing) criminal justice system

Dear Canada, please pay attention to B.C.

Dear Canada, please pay attention to B.C.