THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

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Kevin Falcon is not disingenuous, like some people

Kevin Falcon is not disingenuous, like some people

VANCOLOUR logo.png

Kevin Falcon is a BC Liberal politician in the middle of an election campaign…

…and BC Liberal politicians in the middle of election campaigns are disingenuous, according to Kevin Falcon. Figure that one out.

-Jane Thornthwaite on MLA Ralph Sultan’s Virtual Retirement Roast, September 17 2020
-Kevin Falcon on The Mike Smyth Show, May 18 2021
-Kevin Falcon on NL Noon Report with Brett Mineer, May 19 2021
-Kevin Falcon on BC Liberal Leadership Announcement, May 17 2021

#125 - Hillary McBride (Other People's Problems)

#125 - Hillary McBride (Other People's Problems)

#124 - Sarah Berman (NXIVM: "Don't Call it a Cult")

#124 - Sarah Berman (NXIVM: "Don't Call it a Cult")