THIS IS vancouver’s bona fide
culture and politics podcast.

this is vancolour

Colourful Calls: Nora Loreto (Sandy and Nora Talk Politics)

Colourful Calls: Nora Loreto (Sandy and Nora Talk Politics)

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Mo calls Nora Loreto for a full explanation on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s latest controversy involving a lucrative no-bid, sole-source contract for WE Charity to administer something the government could seemingly do itself.

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Also, check out Nora Loreto’s This is VANCOLOUR episode (#75) from May 2020.

Colourful Calls: Nora Loreto (Sandy and Nora Talk Politics)
#84 - Faith Fundal (CBC's They & Us)

#84 - Faith Fundal (CBC's They & Us)

#83 - Fiona Forbes

#83 - Fiona Forbes