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Vancouver Podcast Festival: The Fear of Vancouver ("The Fear of Science" vs. "This is VANCOLOUR") with Katie-Ellen Humphries

Vancouver Podcast Festival: The Fear of Vancouver ("The Fear of Science" vs. "This is VANCOLOUR") with Katie-Ellen Humphries

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Recorded live on November 9, 2019 as part of the Vancouver Podcast Festival, “The Fear of Science” meets “This is VANCOLOUR” with special guest Katie-Ellen Humphries to discuss “The Fear of Vancouver”.

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The Fear of Vancouver ("The Fear of Science" vs. "This is VANCOLOUR") with Katie-Ellen Humphries
This is VANCOLOUR / Vancouver Podcast Festival
#56 - BC Attorney General David Eby (BC NDP)

#56 - BC Attorney General David Eby (BC NDP)

#55 - Jesse Miller (Mediated Reality)

#55 - Jesse Miller (Mediated Reality)