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BONUS PODCAST: BC Political Panel with Angelo Isidorou and Kareem Allam

BONUS PODCAST: BC Political Panel with Angelo Isidorou and Kareem Allam

BONUS PODCAST: This is VANCOLOUR host Mo Amir, Angelo Isidorou, and Kareem Allam discuss the political culture and various political strategies that have set the stage for British Columbia ahead of its provincial election in October 2024.

Angelo Isidorou is the Executive Director for the Conservative Party of British Columbia.

Kareem Allam is a Partner of Fairview Strategy. He was the Campaign Manager for BC United (formerly BC Liberal Party) leader Kevin Falcon's successful BC Liberal leadership campaign.

RECORDED: June 25, 2024


#237 - Tamara Taggart / Shushma Datt (This is VANCOLOUR season three finale!)

#237 - Tamara Taggart / Shushma Datt (This is VANCOLOUR season three finale!)

#236 - Annie Ohana / Wade Grant

#236 - Annie Ohana / Wade Grant